Do you have any simple, cost-effective tips for making life easier with PD? Are there any simple, everyday changes I can make?
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I've noticed I cannot respond as fast to complex questions as I once did. I have more "tip of the tongue" experiences than ever. Are these symptoms of cognitive decline that go along with PD?
Apathy is one of the nonmotor symptoms of PD that is difficult to diagnose and treat...
My neurologist hasn't recommended any dietary changes, but is there a specific food plan that is better for PD?
I was diagnosed with PD, and I've noticed I don't seem to enjoy the activities I have always done in the past. Nothing is as much fun as before; I lose interest quickly...
I have never attended a PD support group, but I have heard it can be beneficial. What are your thoughts?
Any advice on improving my next visit with my movement disorder specialist? The time spent on an office visit is so limited I want to take advantage of my time.
I have more problems with fatigue, apathy, and depression than I do with motor issues....
I was diagnosed with PD nine years ago. My progression has been slow, but recently.....
Do I need to see a physical therapist (PT) and an occupational therapist (OT)?
Having PD doesn't prevent you from traveling..
My primary care physician diagnosed me with Parkinson's disease (PD) Now What?
What is the difference between "home health care" and "home care"?